
Despite the government scrapping proposed new energy efficiency standards on rental homes, landlords still have a legal requirement to ensure their properties have an Energy Performance Certificate. Landlord EPC requirements were due to change in 2025, when former Prime Minister

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Landlord Tax Relief The Low-down

New rules surrounding tax relief for buy-to-let landlords are set to benefit basic rate taxpayers. Under the old rules, mortgage interest was deducted from a landlord’s rental income before calculating the tax. © LuFeTa / Shutterstock Now, new legislation introduces

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Research shows houses in multiple occupation are becoming an increasingly popular option for landlords. In 2023, HMOs made up 27% of all buy-to-let properties in the UK, according to data from specialist lender Shawbrook. © GaudiLab / Shutterstock This figure

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What Does a Letting Agent Do?

As a landlord, choosing the right letting agent is important, because the liability for your properties ultimately falls to you. Having someone responsible for managing them on your behalf ensures you remain within the law and maintain a good relationship

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The History of the Window Tax

People have complained about taxes almost since time began and it has been said that nothing unites the public more than their general dislike of The System. While today’s Council Tax levied on domestic properties isn’t particularly popular, spare a

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Do HMOs Qualify for Capital Allowances?

The topic of landlord capital allowances has always been a complex one: capital allowances are permitted tax deductions based on money spent on some fixed assets including property, equipment or selected vehicles. In certain cases, all or some of the

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How to be a Good Landlord

Being a landlord can be a useful way of earning extra income. However, when you’re on the first rung of the ladder, it’s important to learn how to be a good landlord when managing buy-to-let properties. Figuring out how to

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No-Fault Evictions Are Here to Stay - For Now

The government has done a dramatic U-turn on plans to abolish no-fault evictions – following extensive protests by landlord organisations. A controversial pledge to scrap the Section 21 notice as part of the Renters Reform Bill appears to have been

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Popular Furniture Sayings

Have you ever thought about the number of common idioms relating to furniture and buildings? There are literally thousands in the English language. When it comes to furniture sayings, many have been part of our everyday conversation for so long

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